By Dr. Shaul M. Gabbay

In Publication 2018

The Status of Palestinians in Jordan
Explore both the harsh new realities that face those Palestinians who have been stripped of their Jordanian citizenship, as well as the tumultuous history between Palestinians and Jordanians that has led to the current state of affairs between them… Read More
The Case of Pakistani ISI, the Taliban, and the War Against Terrorism
In this paper we delineate the complexities of the war against terrorism taking a social network approach… Read More
Religiously Motivated Violence in North and West Africa
Over the last three years violence against Christians in North East Africa (e.g, Egypt) and West Africa (e.g., Nigeria) has intensified to unprecedented levels where hundreds of Christian churches were destroyed and thousands of Christians have lost their lives… Read More
Honor killing in the Muslim world
This paper analyses honor killings in the Middle East and the more general Muslim world (eg., Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Pakistan) from a forensic sociology perspective… Read More
Tribal Values and Norms in Mongolia and their Effect on Women’s Status
In this paper, the effect of tribal values and norms on family structures particularly with regards to women is delineated analyzed and discussed… Read More
The Case of Turkish Kurds’ Struggle for Self Determination
discuss the current drawbacks for their lives in Turkey of today asking if the state borders will sustain the cultural, religious and strong social networks particularly with the latest changes in the Arab world… Read More
The Alliance? Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan 2013
Religious Extremism in the Muslim World: Honor Killings and Blasphemy 2013
Islam in West Africa 2013
One Land Two Stories
with Amin Kazak
Livingston Publishing House, New-York, London, Amsterdam, 2012
Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan Today
Livingston Publishing House, New-York, London, Amsterdam, 2011
Gays of the Muslim World: LPH Publishing
Livingston Publishing House, New-York, London, Amsterdam, 2011
The Search for Israeli-Arab Peace: Learning from the Past and Building Trust
withJoseph Ginat and Edwin G. Corr
Sussex Academic Press, 2007
Social Capital of Organizations Research in the Sociology of Organizations (RSO)
with Roger Th. A. J. Leenders
JIA Press, 2001
People of the Arab World and People of the Muslim World
The Search for Israeli-Arab Peace: Learning from the Past and Building Trust
withJoseph Ginat and Edwin G. Corr
Sussex Academic Press, 2007
More Papers:
The Arab Spring in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen and the Potential Muslim Spring: A Social Network Analysis of the Middle East and its Effect on the Muslim World
Muslims in Predominantly Christian Societies: A Comparative study of Germany, The Netherlands, and Russia
What Does the Past Tell Us About the Future of Syria and Egypt: A Social Structural Approach
The Changing Social Structure in Bangladesh – Minorities within Minorities
The Changing Social Structure in Syria – Is Democracy Possible?
Current Social Changes and the Effect of the Islamist Government in Contemporary Egypt Turkey and the United Arab Emirates – Law or Social Networks?
Forensic Sociology: Analyzing Social Networks in the Muslim-World for Asylum Immigration Cases
Bangladesh and Indonesia: A Comparative Study Between East and West
Socio-Political Forces for the Understating of Current Changes in Afghanistan and their Effect on Internal Islamic Conservatism
Contemporary Pakistan: Social Challenges and the Rise of Talibanism
Gays from the Muslim World and Immigration to the United States
Networks of Terror: Lebanon 1980-2007
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Immigration to the Unites States
Are Strong Ties Indeed Strong: The Case of Family Norms in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Christians in Predominantly Muslim Societies: A Comparative Study of Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Sari-Lanka, and Egypt (with Deborah Rohan Schluetter)
The Global Emergence of Female Peacemakers: How Women Worldwide are Impacting their Nations’ Course Toward War or Peace (with Deborah Rohan Schlueter)
Muslim Norms and U.S. Asylum: The Case of Immigrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Iran
Honor Killing in Muslim Societies and their Effect on Immigration to the US: A Network Approach Using the Cases of Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, and Gulf States
Saudi Arabia – Between Islamism and Arabism
The Paradigmatic Clash: Rationality and Ideology in the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict
Engineering Social Capital in the Middle East: The Critical Role of Trust
The War in Iraq and the Internal Social Ramifications for the Middle East
Is trust really social capital? (with Marloes Bakker, Roger Th.A.J. Leenders, Jan Kratzer and Jo M.L.Van Engelen)
Embedding Social Structure in Technological Infrastructure: Constructing Regional Social Capital for a Sustainable Peace in the Middle East (with Amy J. Stein)
Published Analysis in Media:
“Why We Should Worry about Egypt”
The Denver Post, 2011
“So Far Much Better: Palestinians Find they are Steadily Making Progress”
Rocky Mountain News, 2005
“Gaza Withdrawal: Heartbreaking – but Worth the Risk”
Intermountain Jewish News, 2005
“How Israelis and Palestinians are Working Together”
Intermountain Jewish News, 2004
“Threats to Take-Out Arafat Have Backfired on Israelis”
Rocky Mountain News, 2003
“Mapping Peace: Unforeseeable Consequence Await Region, if Israelis and Palestinians can’t Strike a Deal”
Rocky Mountain News, 2002
“Arafat, Sharon must act now for peace”
Rocky Mountain News, 2001
“Middle East in Dire Need of Powell Plan”
Rocky Mountain News, 2001